Provisioning in the San Blas can be somewhat challenging. As far as 'fresh foods' go, some very enterprising Kuna's fill their panga's with produce and wine and beer etc. and visit the anchorages every couple of weeks. It is such a treat when the 'veg'y boat' arrives with lovely fruits etc.
When we left Columbia we had provisioned for 2 months and by mid March Icarian's cupboards were very sparse. There are a few options for re-stocking the larder. A small commuter plane comes to the San Blas every morning from Panama City and for approximately $40.00 each way, you can get back and forth but you are restricted on how much you can bring back. Another option is a jungle road from Carti to Panama City and a number of jeeps and trucks make the 3 hour trek daily. It is a very rough road and during rainy season washes out regularly. Sometimes you must forge the river in ulu's and transfer to another jeep on the other side. Can be quite an adventure and spectacular scenery. The good thing is that the jeeps will bring back as much as you can buy, maybe a little bruised but a good service.
Another option is the one Icarian chose this year and that is sailing 40 miles west to Linton on the mainland. We left the boat at anchor and took a local bus into Sabanitas, a 1½ hour ride along the coast. There is a very good Rey's supermarket there with all we needed. Sabanitas is also where you can get a bus into Colon or to Panama City. A taxi from Rey's back to Icarian cost about $30.00. One day we went all the way to Panama City on the bus which took more than 3 hours. It was interesting seeing the 'big' city again and we picked up some parts there that Brian had ordered. Our trip to Linton took about a week and we were lucky with good weather windows at both ends of this journey.
We are now in Canbombia, the eastern most island in the Nagaurandup Cays, at the present time doing boat projects. Our sewing machine has been busy doing repairs and Brian is once again working on our teak decks. Mostly just general maintenance but doing it in Paradise makes it so much better.
We have a few more weeks in the San Blas before we need to head back to Cartagena and we plan to fit as much snorkeling and swimming in as we can till then.
Hasta luego!!