Hi again from Paradise!
Brian and I are still here in the San Blas and have just spent 3 weeks with good friends Larry and Julie on Komara.
We have snorkeled some amazing reefs as we have re-visited some of our favourite spots. We are now getting used to sharks but I prefer them sleeping on the sand which is often where we find them. Brian likes them swimming around of course and is always ready to spur them on. Yikes!
This last week we saw a 5` Barracuda just hovering in one spot no doubt waiting for some tasty morsel to swim by.
In the Western Holandes Islands we discovered a series of underwater passageways and arches and tunnels leading to a secluded beach. The water actually shimmered it was so warm, it had to be over 100 degrees. We think there must have been an underwater hot springs helping the sun and were surprised to see lots of fish still swimming in that heat.
We visited a typical Kuna village called Isla Maquina. It is a tiny island with over 300 inhabitants and there is not a square inch of land not in use. A young man named Ildefonso had invited us to his village and he took us to the Congresso to meet his chief and get the necessary permission to walk around.
The pathways between the thatched cottages are narrow and so neat and lovely colourful hibiscus grow everywhere. Ildefonso speaks pretty good English that he has picked up from making friends with the passing Cruisers.
Brian and Larry went for a sail on an ulu. Amazing the speed and manouverability they can achieve in a dug out log with craps of material sewn together for a sail. The Kuna are true sailors!!
Icarian is now starting the next leg of this year's journey and that is heading East to Cartagena.
We left Nargana yesterday and ran right into a huge rain squall which continued all day and evening. We calculated 4 inches had come down and we managed to just about fill our water tanks. Icarian is now squeaky clean too!
The rainy season is just starting and we hope that it eases in slowly.
We are now in Snug Harbor a beautiful little spot nestled between 4 small islands and the mountainous mainland is close by.
The anchorages and villages we are about to visit are very remote and very few cruisers come this way.
Our plan is to coastal hop down as far as the Columbian border and then shoot across to Cartagena by mid May.
Hasta luego!
Marilyn and Brian